Welcome to Peter Eaton clarinets
Production of Eaton clarinets continues. I guarantee that these will be the finest instruments we have ever made.
In addition to our large-bore clarinet, the Elite, the highly successful International model is also back in production.
We occasionally have used Eaton clarinets for sale. Please see the prices page for details.
Los Angeles-based clarinettist Jonathan Sacdalan's page has been added to the players page.
If you are interested in a continuance of the long illustrious story of the unique sound of the English clarinet, please read this:
A future for the English clarinet.
I have started to write about some of the eminent people I have known and who have influenced me as a clarinet maker. Some are household names, others less well-known. Gervase de Peyer has now joined Jack Brymer and Ted Planas.
Select the link to New Articles to find them.
During the last few years, most of Gervase de Peyer's and Roy Jowitt's clarinets, both B&H and Eaton, have been with us here in Effingham, and some of them still are. I have written assessments of them, together with some thoughts on the evaluation of individual instruments.
The New Articles link will take you to it.
I wrote an article about the history of the English clarinet and my involvement in it for the Spring 2019 edition of the magazine Clarinet & Saxophone (CASS). I was interviewed by Anna Hashimoto for a follow-up article in the Autumn 2019 edition of the magazine. Both articles can be accessed via the CASS articles link.
Please feel free to ask for further information. Details are on the contacts page.
Peter Eaton
CASS article
New Articles
Clarinet Care